If you’re struggling to make monthly payments on a student loan, you’re hardly alone. About 1 out of every 4 student loan borrowers are in default or behind on their payments, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Students who took loans to pay tuition at for-profit colleges are defaulting on their loans at a higher rate. The Massachusetts Attorney General has filed lawsuits against several for-profit schools – including Corinthian College and ITT Educational Services – for making false claims and promises. The complaints allege that these schools misrepresented the quality of their programs and made false claims about the ability of graduating students to find jobs in their field of study.
If you’re having trouble keeping up with your student loan payments – or if you co-signed a student loan for a child or relative whose loan is in default – I may be able to help. There are ways for you to get out of default and to protect yourself from unlawful debt collection practices. Please contact me if you find yourself in any of the situations described below: